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Office of Administrative Hearings

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Vytas Varekojis Vergeer

Administrative Law Judge

Judge Vergeer was appointed an Administrative Law Judge to the District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings in August 2014. He currently presides over Department of Human Services, Department of Health Care Finance Cases, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs cases, Department of Public Works cases, Office of Planning matters, Rental Housing cases, and Department of Health cases.

For almost 20 years, he worked at Bread for the City, first as a Staff Attorney from 1994 to 1999, then as the Legal Clinic Director from 1999 to 2014, with a 20 month respite to be the Director of Government Relations at the National Housing Law Project, 2001-2002. At Bread, the vast majority of his job revolved around low-income housing issues, although he also practiced public benefits law, and just about any area of the law that his clients needed.  

Judge Vergeer served six years as a member of the Steering Committee of Real Estate, Housing, and Land Use section of the D.C. Bar, two years as its Chair.  He also served on the D.C. Bar’s Landlord/Tenant Implementation Committee, the committee that created and wrote rules for the Housing Conditions Docket in DC Superior Court, the D.C. Bar’s Pro Bono Committee, and a committee that drafted rules on Limited Scope Representation. He served two years on the Board of Directors for the Washington Council of Lawyers, and two years on the DC Bar’s Board of Governors as well as receiving the Jerrold Scoutt prize in 2010 for his public interest career.

He has an Honors B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Maryland, and graduated from Catholic University’s law school in 1993. He had the honor clerking for Judge John Ferren at the D.C. Court of Appeals in 1994.