OAH is a court of “limited jurisdiction.” This means that OAH only has authority over a disputed issue if there is a law or agreement that specifically gives OAH authority over that issue.
Regarding firearms, OAH has jurisdiction over cases involving Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) decisions to deny, revoke, or limit a D.C. resident’s firearm registration or a concealed pistol license.
These are two separate issues:
- Firearm registration deals with gun ownership. Registering a firearm allows MPD to identify and account for firearms owned in D.C.
- A concealed pistol license deals with gun carrying. A license allows someone to carry a concealed pistol in certain public areas.
So, pay close attention to any notice you receive and make sure you follow the appropriate steps to appeal the type of decision you received.
If you received decisions regarding both a firearm registration and a concealed pistol license, and you want to appeal both, you need to file two hearing requests, one for each decision. However, you can ask in writing that the cases be consolidated. This means the same judge could hear both cases at the same time.
For forms, instructions, and more information about each type of decision and the OAH process, click the buttons below: