In accordance with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (D.C. Official Code §2-571 et seq.), the District of Columbia Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges of the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) hereby gives notice that it will meet July 28, 2017, at 3:30p.m. at 441 Fourth Street NW, Suite 450N, Washington, DC 20001. The below agenda will be posted on the OAH website at
and Office of Open Government/BEGA website at
For further information, please contact Louis Neal at [email protected] or 202-724-3672.
I. Call to Order (Board Chair)
II. Ascertainment of Quorum
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Re-Vote of Administrative Law Judges Due to Technical Issue at 6/29/2017 Meeting
a. Nicholas Cobbs
b. Sharon Goodie
c. Scott Harvey
V. Consideration of the Reappointments of Administrative Law Judges
a. Jesse Goode
b. Arabella Teal
VI. Discussion of the Reappointments of Administrative Law Judges
a. Audrey Jenkins
b. Wanda Tucker
VII. Scheduling of Next Meeting
VIII. Adjournment (Board Chair)